We at Armstrong’s Fish merchants wish to reassure all our Clientele that we adhere to the highest standards of hygiene and take the latest advice from the WHO and local environmental agencies.
With the washing of hands and sanitising of all work surfaces this is our daily routine and we take pride with the fact that this is now more important than ever with the current situation.
With the unprecedented set of circumstances that we now are faced with it is more important that we communicate with all our clientele to reassure them that we are looking after their interests and wellbeing.
If any member of staff reports or has concerns regarding his or her health regarding the virus they will be asked to stay at home until the symptoms have disappeared.
We cannot anticipate how this will affect the supply of fresh fish over the period of this pandemic.
We endeavour to obtain the best quality and variety of Fish that is available to us, but it is difficult to ascertain how this will affect the fishing industry.
It is important that we all look after each other and we thank you for your understanding and your custom during this difficult time.
We ask that if you are coming to purchase fish at the shop that you take note of the government guidelines. This means safe distancing (1 meter apart) from staff and while waiting to be served.
If you have any concerns or symptoms such as a dry cough or fever and would like to buy fish please use our home delivery service where we will be happy to oblige. Please let the shop know where to drop your order at your residence or call the shop direct for any other information.
From all the staff at Armstrong’s please take care.